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Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011


Plant biology:

all the Edelweiss (Edelweiß) varieties and those close relatives in the North American Antennaria family, Leontopodium alpinum is the most beautiful and sought after in the World.
Leontopodium or Lions foot, is originally a plant of the Steppe of Asia. Found there in more than 30 forms, it is well adapted to climatic extremes. Its deep fibrous roots and the felt like covering of its leaves protect it from drought, the ravages of winds and the potentially damaging sun shine.                         

The alpine Edelweiß, which in the German language means noble and white, is found generally at altitudes from 1700 meters to 2700 meters.
Edelweiss prefers calcareous light soils with excellent drainage and southern exposure, where it likes to form herbal mats, growing from 8 cm to 20 cm tall.

Edelweiss flowers are classified as   short lived perennials, which after being picked during a number of growing seasons from the same plant, are unable to propagate by seeding and will disappear from an formerly established area.

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